September 20, 2007


Some Rules - Wendy Cope

Stop, if the car is going "clunk"
Pr if the sun has made you blind.
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

You fire something fierce. You're sunk.
It's irretrievable. It's signed.
You feel your spirtis going "clunk."

Don't Hide your face with to much gunk,
Especially if it's old and lined.
Don't answer e-mails if your drunk.

Don't live with thirty years of junk-
Those precious things you'll never find.
Stop, if the car is going "clunk."

Don't fall for an amusing hunk,
However rich, unless he's kind.
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

In this respect, I'm like a monk:
I need some rules to bear in mind.
Stop, if the car is going "clunk."
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

This poem inspired me one evening when I was sitting around wondering about drunk (insert action). For example, we started with "drunk dialing" then it moved to "drunk texting" then to "drunk e-mailing" then to "drunk myspacing" drunk facebooking" and now "drunk blogging". I was a little intoxicated when I thought of this post, but the next day it still made me wonder. Just something amusing to think about... I wonder when people began thinking that it was okay to do these things while intoxicated. Perhaps, because we are more open as a society now, we find it more acceptable to communicate casually, and we get as casual as being fully intoxicated when we do communicate. We also think we're a lot more interesting when we're drunk, and think other people must think the same, so feel the need to communicate, express ourselves, and share our "great" ideas. It is a little disturbing, though, when you wake up to see texts that make no sense, or a phone log of lengthy calls you can't recall. Maybe I need to start hiding my computer away before I get drunk, or monitor my communications better. I mean, how much of a lush do I really want to look like?

Lttle thngs I woner when I hvehad 1 2 mandny drinkkkkkkkkkkks!?!!!!@#$%^&

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