September 30, 2007

Chaos Theory

"The O.C generation". Or, should I refer to this as the overly instant communications generation? This is the high tech era that gives the Class of 2009 its multi-dimensional personality. Our access to superior technology is by far a luxury, yet with it comes a high degree of responsibility. As an impressionable young adult growing up today, there exists a continual media forum that is constantly sending messages out to society. We rely on the internet, television and mobile phones as lifelines every day .
As a young adult, I watch the ten o'clock news only to be inundated with alluring advertisements, negative images of global catastrophe, and hard news segments. How am I as a student supposed to process these overwhelming digitized messages? The focus on such tragedies as the war in Iraq, the death tolls of the Virgina Tech masacare, and awful terrorist bombings create a sense of fear and hopelessness.

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