September 30, 2007

The "V" word...Vegetarian

I decided to be a vegetarian at the age of 6 and by 6 and a half I was a complete vegetarian. My reasoning at this age was because it made me "feel better" when I did not eat meat. Both my parents are heavy meat eaters and thought this was a phase that little kids went through but little did they know it would be a choice that would stick. The most popular question I get asked when people find out I am a vegetarian is "what do you eat?" I think this is one of the funniest questions because I can eat anything I want. For the most part, I can find something on a menu thats vegetarian or just ask them to hold the meat. Today, there are tons of resaturants who are now are offering vegetarian menus on top of the regular menu. Most people do not understand the difference betweeen vegetarian and vegan. So to clarify, vegetarians still eat dairy products and vegans do not consume any dairy/animal products. I am a vegetarian because I still eat cheese, ice cream, and eggs. Hopefully next time you meet a vegetarian you won't be so confused.

Chaos Theory

"The O.C generation". Or, should I refer to this as the overly instant communications generation? This is the high tech era that gives the Class of 2009 its multi-dimensional personality. Our access to superior technology is by far a luxury, yet with it comes a high degree of responsibility. As an impressionable young adult growing up today, there exists a continual media forum that is constantly sending messages out to society. We rely on the internet, television and mobile phones as lifelines every day .
As a young adult, I watch the ten o'clock news only to be inundated with alluring advertisements, negative images of global catastrophe, and hard news segments. How am I as a student supposed to process these overwhelming digitized messages? The focus on such tragedies as the war in Iraq, the death tolls of the Virgina Tech masacare, and awful terrorist bombings create a sense of fear and hopelessness.

September 27, 2007

Got Milk?

The signfier in this advertisement is Superman. When you think Superman you think strength and that is what milk gives you when you drink it.

When you see super man you automatically think strength.

Superman is literally a super hero.

You find superman in the sky.

September 20, 2007 a straw!

I have been trying to think of differnt ways to advertise using different forms of media. I came acorss this advertisment for a yoga center and thought it was a great idea. Staws are flexible and that is what most people think of when they hear the word "yoga". I thought it was a great way to advertise.

Why does everyone keep asking me?

I just do not understand why in the past 2 weeks EVERYONE has been asking me if I am going to move back to California after I graduate. Why are people asking me this now? I still have another year here. I mean I plan to move back eventually in life but I for now I plan to go where life takes me.

Are you the next great poet?

This article was kind of a big deal for me because I am going to admit something on my blog that only a few people know about me. I am a closet poet. I have a few poems published, but only my parents, a teacher, my best friend, and the publishing companies know this.

Maybe one day I will add a poem of my own on my for now...I think I'll continue to write alone.


Some Rules - Wendy Cope

Stop, if the car is going "clunk"
Pr if the sun has made you blind.
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

You fire something fierce. You're sunk.
It's irretrievable. It's signed.
You feel your spirtis going "clunk."

Don't Hide your face with to much gunk,
Especially if it's old and lined.
Don't answer e-mails if your drunk.

Don't live with thirty years of junk-
Those precious things you'll never find.
Stop, if the car is going "clunk."

Don't fall for an amusing hunk,
However rich, unless he's kind.
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

In this respect, I'm like a monk:
I need some rules to bear in mind.
Stop, if the car is going "clunk."
Don't answer e-mails when you're drunk.

This poem inspired me one evening when I was sitting around wondering about drunk (insert action). For example, we started with "drunk dialing" then it moved to "drunk texting" then to "drunk e-mailing" then to "drunk myspacing" drunk facebooking" and now "drunk blogging". I was a little intoxicated when I thought of this post, but the next day it still made me wonder. Just something amusing to think about... I wonder when people began thinking that it was okay to do these things while intoxicated. Perhaps, because we are more open as a society now, we find it more acceptable to communicate casually, and we get as casual as being fully intoxicated when we do communicate. We also think we're a lot more interesting when we're drunk, and think other people must think the same, so feel the need to communicate, express ourselves, and share our "great" ideas. It is a little disturbing, though, when you wake up to see texts that make no sense, or a phone log of lengthy calls you can't recall. Maybe I need to start hiding my computer away before I get drunk, or monitor my communications better. I mean, how much of a lush do I really want to look like?

Lttle thngs I woner when I hvehad 1 2 mandny drinkkkkkkkkkkks!?!!!!@#$%^&

How do you cut your sandwich?

I have a theory about how you cut your PB and J sandwich. If you cut you your sandwich at a diagnol, you probably had a more liberal upbringing. On the contrary, if your sandwich was cut straight up and down you most likely had more of a conservative upbringing. My theory might sound a little crazy, but I believe it's true. One of my friends has a conservative mother and a liberal father, and she is one of the few people I know who switches between cutting her sandwich diagnoally or straight down the middle. How do you cut your sandwich? Mine is straight up and down.

What's on your hands?

I love black and white photography! I think this is a great picture of how one side of your hand (world) you see everything you love and the other what you hate.


Did you know there is a thing called skinny/fat? Research has shown that women can be technically "skinny" but have a high BMI. There is a difference between being skinny and being healthy and I feel in today's society this a huge problem and needs to be looked at. Many girls think that if they do not eat and are skinny that they are okay but in reality they could be damaging their body even more. Are you a skinny/fat?

September 16, 2007

Camping = not showering, mosquitos and eating junk food

How many sorority girls does it take to set up a tent? I went to Oklahoma with my friends for the weekend and it was the first time I have ever gone camping. Lets just say it was an experience I will never forget. We had a lot of fun but seeing a bunch of SMU girls camp is definietly a site to see. I came out of the experience with a realization of not knowing where the big dipper is, how loud my friends can be and a trip to two frogs restaurant but as they say, there is a first for everything.

September 7, 2007

Make a move

In my innermost thoughts, I wonder to myself how I can make a difference. There must be something I can do to help those less fortunate. I feel as though it is my responsibility as a privileged American to do something, to make some type of difference. I sit in front of my laptop computer sipping my bottled sparkling water, reading the CNN news brief, and feeling ridiculous for not being able to take action. I know I can make a difference in the world catastrophes; at least a minor one. I feel a sense of guilt as I sit among the comforts of my home of plasma televisions, Ipods, and digital picture phones. My heart tells me that there is something I can do. I cannot board the next flight abroad, but I can choose to influence my peers, thus creating a joint effort in immediate aid. As I head off to my next sororiety meeting, I would ask friends in an effort to collect funds and immediately forward them to a worldwide organization such as Unicef or the Red Cross. With this thought, my guilt eases me as I immediately instant message my girlfriends to assist me in this endeavor.

September 5, 2007

Seat 1A

I never know the time, the day, the place, or location of my father......

My dad travels more than anyone I know. Some of my friends think he works in the mafia, others think hes a drug dealer and my roomate thinks hes is superman.

My dad travels 300 out of 365 days a year. He is not a domestic flyer anymore instead he spends his nights traveling from country to country. He has 2 passports; one Canadian and the other American. He flies only first class seat 1A and has hit over 1 million miles on 5 different ailrines.

But to me he is just my daddy.

Can you tell I have had my heart broken?

I drew this picture when my x-bf and I broke up.


"We grow a little every time we do not take advantage of somebody's weakness". - Bern Williams

This summer my mother and I threw potlucks every Thrusday. Anyone was welcome to come and we had people of all ages get together to make food and hang out. One evening, my mom's interior designer brought cards that had quotations on them and we had to pick one and read it out loud. This was my quote and I was really interested by what it had to say about mankind. I feel this quote is moving because it makes you stop and think of how much the people in today's society take advantage of other people's weaknesses when the opportunity presents itself. People take advantage to get ahead in business, relationships, and friendships. Think of how much people would grow if they could stop themselves from taking advantage of others when they saw the opportunity to. If they could take a step back and stop themselves from thinking only of trying to get ahead, they might instead appreciate what they do have in the present rather than what they could have. I think this quotation could teach us all something and make us consider how much respect we give to the people we encounter on a day to day basis. I believe the world would be a very different place if people considered the effects that their actions have on others, and I do think that people could grow drastically from thinking before they act.

Click "Yes" if you're over 18....

Why do websites make you click "yes over 18"? I just do not understand why websites think this question is going to keep children out. Most 12 year olds know to click "yes"- it is not hard to figure out. Also, when they ask for your date of birth but you have to be a certain age to go on the website...I feel most kids can do basic math and figure out what year they were born to be old enough for the website. I think that this protocol needs to be re-evaluated and it needs to become a little more difficult for younger children to not have access to such sites.

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 08 - 'Big Drive' TV Ad

Is it just me or is Tiger Woods looking at something other than the girl's swing? If you watch the video twice, as I did, once on TV and then again on youtube, you begin to realize that Tiger seems to be checking this girl out. His eyes seem to be wandering up and down while they show a picture of the girl bending over to set up the ball. At first, I thought it was just me being a perv but when I asked my friends they all agreed that Tiger was looking at something more than checking out her handicap.

Drinkin' Time

Fast Forward this clip till 1:46 where it says "and now the prank".

This clip was filmed at Dartmouth University and basically starts off with a bunch of parents and adults listening to a guy talk about the school (college tour). A bunch of the students at Dartmouth decided to play a prank on the tour. I think this was one of the most creative pranks I have ever seen/heard of. What do you think?