October 30, 2007

You should have listened...

Being a junior at SMU and using an apple computer. I ask my father if he would consider buying apple stock with my personal stock fund money he claimed it was to expensive at 45 dollars today its 185 and his only excuse is the word...oops!


I have never been to a rave but for some reason this is what I feel like it would be like. I had fun editing this photo of my friends. My neighbor described his rave experience to me as the best time of his life, but said that he would never do it again. He said it was really trippy because all he recalls from his drugged out haze is that one hand would flow slowly and the other one would bounce up and down quickly, and he found this to me extremely entertatining at the time. It was a very interesting description, and it sounded like he had a good time. I think it was something I would like to do just so that I can say I did it, kind of like when I toured the sewers of France.

October 25, 2007


I think we are going to have our first female president Hillary Clinton. So far she is leading all the poles. Lets see if a woman could turn this mess around. Unfortunately, no one in my family likes her and we might be moving to Canada if she becomes President because we all have dual citizenships and I am graduating a semester early just incase!

October 23, 2007


Just another picture I edited....

Crashing Waves

I feel like I am living in a fish bowl in Texas. I used to find my way home by following the water but in Dallas there is no ocean. I miss the waves, the wind blown bleach blonde hair, and the sand between my feet. These are some pictures I have taken and edited and it was fun to do but really made me miss what I call "home".

October 22, 2007

Dance Like No One Is Watching

This is a picture of my friend Chloe. The thing I love about Chloe is that no matter where we are or who we are with or how formal the situation is she will always break out dancing when she hears music. She might not be the best dancer, but nothing stops her. Chloe dances as though no one is watching, and never lets what others think get in her way of dancing. When she is in the moment nothing can bother her. Sometimes I wish I could be more like Chloe... not let the little things get to me, not care what anyone thinks, and dance like no one is watching.

Night Cap

Is she going to bed alone?

Little Anger....

I do not have much to say about this...I think my picture and editing speaks for itself.

Vanity Fair

I feel like I have left one bubble and went straight into another. Newport Beach, California is forsure a bubble and most people can tell from the shows like the O.C., Newport Harbor High, Laguna Beach High, and the Real Housewives of Orange County. Then I moved to Highland Park in Dallas, Texas, which could be a suburb of Newport Beach and reminds me a lot of Beverly Hills. People are all into their attractiveness and pride. Same clothes, same cars, same restaurants. Some things never change.

October 19, 2007

What happens when you drink too much?

When going back through my photo albums at first I was like maybe I should delete this picture and then I realized it was something interesting to write about for my blog. This picture reminds me of drinking and driving and the feeling you get when you have had one too many. Hope no one out there drinks and drives...call a cab if you start seeing this way! Do not attempt to drive home. Drink Responsibly!~

What's your drug of choice?

I HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM....the past two times I have gone into surgery they have not been able to put me out. Some say I have a high drug tolerance others say I have a drug problem because I am always on some kind of prescription drug. My mom calls me a "lemon" because I have so many problems and she teasingly says she would switch me in if she could. I have been prescribed Valium, Ativan, Xanax, Vicoden, Prozac, steroids, almost every antibiotic, every allergy medication on the market and the list goes on and on (way to much to type for this blog)…..the funny thing is I have a high perscription drug tolerance but I have a low alcohol tolerance. So I would have to say alcohol is my drug of choice, which is probably for the best.


If you have seen the show I Love New York posted on VH1 I feel bad for you. The entire show (much like all of reality shows) are completely scripted and fake. Come on. This no name woman got her own reality show from being on Flavor Flavs reality show. She was terrible and the most controversial character in his show. This shows that T.V. has gone down hill. Probably because it is a lot cheaper airing reality shows because you do not have to pay for the actors; and you get a bigger following. I hate reality television, but at the same time I think it is a genius business move.


Styrofoam cups and plates are commonly used. Harmful chemicals are in this material. If heated in a microwave it can pose a threat to your health. Stay away from Styrofoam and stick to glass. Plus it is not even recyclable. Bad news.

October 18, 2007

The Pity...

The tv series Dallas is the same as the OC....the same bitches, same dresses, same attitutes. Puke! It is all about money and its all about luxury and themselves. it has nothing to do with the real world. Hopefully TV gets better and they start making shows that actually make a difference in the world rather than just people showing off.


Canadian dollar is stronger than the American dollar and as a result, Detroit car dealers are advertising in Toronto Canada newspapers. They are advertising for Canadians to come and buy cars in Detroit. The Canadian economy is extremely strong and the American economy is extremely weak. This is a deal for Canadians because American auto manufactures are really hurting. Thus, Canadians have a strong economy and are coming across the boarder to buy American cars. Who ever would have thought the “Looney” would have passed the “almighty American buck”. Fortunately, for me I am on both sides of the fence because I have dual citizenship.

How to travel with airlines today

1. Always order a special meal...Indian, Muslim, Diabetic, Vegetarian...ect because personally prepared and really much better than the mass produced glurp.

2. Bring your own solid foods

3. Buy a large bottle of water just before you board

4. Sit in the aisle for short domestic flights (easy to get up and walk around or go to the facilities). Conversely, sit at a window for extended flights so no one has to step over you in the middle of the night or get hit by the cart as it is going by.

5. Wear shoes that are slip-ons [do not need hassle of shoe laces either before or after security) easy to remove on the plane (no feet swelling)

6. Take a large zip up bag and put your cell phone, loose change rings, bracelets, watches and two good pens in the bag and store on your carry on. No need to fumble at security check point...once your through take the bag and put all your stuff on

7. If traveling to a hot country and then a cold...do not pack two sets of clothes...send one set via UPS or Fed Ex and then return the other the same way when you get to your second destination

8. Bring a bottle of hand sanitizer incase of unsanitary conditions

9. Bring a good book and a charged Ipod in the event of visual/audio troubles

October 3, 2007

Newport Harbor The Real Orange County?

Is it a crime to be defined by where you go to high school?

Should parents think I wonder if my child’s school will be on TV? Or the next big Reality TV show? Should this affect their decision?

Am I defined but what high school I went to because it is now a reality TV show?

Should this affect me in getting a job? A boyfriend? Or even a casual conversation?

What happened to the diversity? I rember walking around campus and over 50 percent of our school is hispanic. What happened to the goths, the jocks and the nerds?

I am defined by this?


Horizontal Intertextuality:
This reminds me of an ad for the Olympics.

Veritical Intertextuality:
I also see the energizer bunny with the slogan "keeps going and going".

Teritary Texts:
"My roomate says it is inspiring and makes you want to do something such as jumping the hurtles in those shoes. Very powerful"

"Great Nike Commercial" - youtube viewer and "Awsome" -youtube viewer

Hillary vs Obama

I thought this was really funny. I am a republican but I am voting for Obama this year and even though they did bash the canidates...I still thought it was a unique video!

Blind Dates

I am so not that type of girl to go on a "blind date". Last night though I conquered my fear and had a lot of fun.


"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino." - You've Got Mail

Your drink at starbucks is what defines you. It is a search for an identity in a complicated world.

October 2, 2007


Who decided what beauty is? How far back does beauty go? What if beauty was large ears? Or one eyebrow? Or rolls of fat? How incredibly arbitrary are our standards for beauty?

October 1, 2007

iPhone Commecial

I liked this cmmercial because it shows how the phone has changed over the years but the greetings have not. "hello" is still used to answer the phone but the actual phone has changed dramatically since it was first introduced.

Creative Genius

This picture describes the difference between a creative genius and an intellectual genius. Sometimes you can meet a person and right away you may think that they are not smart or have book smarts but they could be very creative. There is a difference betweeen being creative smart and IQ smart. For example, Andy Warlock is a genius, he is a creative genius. He might not be a genius on exam taking but he is deffinetly a genius when it comes to creativity. I thought this picture was a good example of the difference between creative and intelligence.