December 3, 2007


So much pressure is put on us to make choices. Every day, we make so many choices, from what to wear, to what to eat, to what to priortize. Some days you make bigger choices. Those days when you sign up for classes and declare majors, choose colleges and pick careers, change cities or end relationships. But, how much do all of these choices that we put so much thought and effort and stress into really matter? Is it really like the movie Sliding Doors, where you miss the train and your whole life is changed? Some people like to think that life is laid out from the beginning, that God or some other universal force has a plan for each one of us. Is life more like the movie Serendipity, where you can move and change and think you've taken one path but really you've circled back to where you started because that's where the universe wanted you? It is so hard to tell how much influence we have over our own lives, and how much of our lives is luck and chance. But, I guess that you just have to keep making those choices, continue making your plans, and hope that if the universe is going to have it's own plan for you, that it's a good one.

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