October 19, 2007

What's your drug of choice?

I HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM....the past two times I have gone into surgery they have not been able to put me out. Some say I have a high drug tolerance others say I have a drug problem because I am always on some kind of prescription drug. My mom calls me a "lemon" because I have so many problems and she teasingly says she would switch me in if she could. I have been prescribed Valium, Ativan, Xanax, Vicoden, Prozac, steroids, almost every antibiotic, every allergy medication on the market and the list goes on and on (way to much to type for this blog)…..the funny thing is I have a high perscription drug tolerance but I have a low alcohol tolerance. So I would have to say alcohol is my drug of choice, which is probably for the best.

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